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80 Series - no washer jets


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
Hi - quick one, as its a work day... windscreen washer jets on Jan's 80 Series have packed up - listening at the reservoir I can hear a feeble electrical noise, so I presume the pump is just FUBAR?

Is there any trick to changing these out? Based on a very quick look, removing the reservoir looks a pain...

Any thoughts/experience appreciated!
Unsure if the 80 has a seperate motor for the rear, then possible to compare feeble sound?

Mine was making a noise, and both washers blocked with rubbish at the same time.

Pulled the pipes off the jets and run the pump until the gunk disapeared, it was odd, working one day and blocked the next.


IIRC it is possible to unbolt the fuse box, move to one side and get to the motor, long while ago soooooo?

The resovoir goes under the wing I think, so try fuse box method?

Sorry not much help.


Right - got 12v at the socket, so must be the pump. Moved the fuse box as suggested and also pulled out the battery box to give me a bit more wriggle room, and pulled the old pump. Now to source one, from the 'bay I guess... Thanks for the advice :)
Mine packed up quickly due to gunk in the reservoir. I managed to get the main reservoir out but it's connected to another one under the wing. Some of the gunk was stuck solid to the side of the reservoir but would flake off with a screwdriver poke. Caustic soda nor concentrated acid would touch it so I cleaned out the pipes and jets and fitted in line filters. Filters are half full with gunk.

There is a non return valve in the pipe to the rear washer. In mine it was running along the floor by the rear door n/s sill somewhere. This needs pulling off and then you can clean the 2 pipes created.

Also you can pop the eyeballs out of the three jets with a thick needle and clean the bodies out. They pop back nicely.

I had been diluting the washer fluid too much. That was downfall and my fault.
My washer pump also became very limp wristed for some reason even after cleaning out the whole system from tank to nozzles. Can’t exactly remember why I didn’t replace the pump, possibly cost or availability, but I just left it in and bought a generic inline pump for a few £, fitted it to the bulkhead and the resulting dual pump setup gives jet-wash grade washers!
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