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Great way to loosen stuck nuts and bolts


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2014
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Just came across this brilliant tool. It seems there’s quite a few makes and even a DIY kit to be had. Anyway, it’s certainly far better than the trusty gas axe.
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That looks great Rich, very handy for our old cruisers. It doesnt look cheap though.
This might amount to suicide by bodgery, but I wonder if something similar could be put together using a second hand induction hob and a modified coil ?
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I’m thinking a gas flame is more adaptable and useable in a restricted space. You need a lot of room to use that, and seized bolts are never where there’s a lot of room!!
It does look good in principle, but I’d imagine its effectiveness would vary depending on the type of “nut” or “bolt” its being applied to.

The principle of loosening by heat is that the rust connecting the two is burned away to some extent as well as creating differential expansion/contraction to release the bond between components.

This provides the heat, but it seems slow by nature, so the effect of differential expansion/contraction will be diminished.

Also, the application of heat will assist in the induction of release agents, such as plus-gas or equivalents. Strange that the demonstration didnt include this process, but I watched it without sound, so likely that was mentioned in the narrative.

Good, but expensive, and its effectiveness is a matter of judgement in practical application.
This scores because it can be used near components such as fuel tanks or plastic. It's actually cheaper on balance. I don't have Oxy, Propane, regs, hoses etc which aren't cheap. This is very adaptable and can be used to heat stuff for oil quenching too. I'd like a hot spanner but that's not going to happen so one of these does look very attractive to me. I'd heat everything before undoing it. Great next to bushes that you don't want to set light to.
There’s lots of videos on this I just picked this one for the plain simple truth Australian approach without ten minutes of talking or tinny music. 30 seconds is all it takes to get the bolt up to 1100 c or so, plug it in, bend the coil wire to the angle you want, no hoses, no bottle hire, no naked flame. A garage in Bognor burned down a few years back through use of heat. This would keep insurance lower too without use of heat clause.

Not sure on the induction hob idea, especially as there’s kits readily available for under £50.
This scores because it can be used near components such as fuel tanks or plastic. It's actually cheaper on balance. I don't have Oxy, Propane, regs, hoses etc which aren't cheap. This is very adaptable and can be used to heat stuff for oil quenching too. I'd like a hot spanner but that's not going to happen so one of these does look very attractive to me. I'd heat everything before undoing it. Great next to bushes that you don't want to set light to.

I just use a plumbers torch powered by canned gas, cheap from any plumbers store
Me too Moggy, but there are times I just can't get enough heat into something like a track rod.
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Me too Moggy, but there are times I just can't get enough heat into something like a track rod.
In the dark days of landrover ownership I bought a twin gas tank brazing kit from halfrauds, that’s was cheap and good enough to get my nuts clowing cherry red ;)
They're a really good bit of kit about 90% of the time.
The other 10% the good old gas axe comes out. Basically when something really needs teaching a lesson :lol:
I'm sure i've seen a similar tool for boiling a mug of water a whole lot cheaper than that
I'm sure i've seen a similar tool for boiling a mug of water a whole lot cheaper than that
Yes I know the thing Shayne. The coily bit looks similar but that’s where it ends I’m afraid.
I work on something similar on an industrial scale that heats bits of metal about 1/2” cube to glowing white in around ten seconds. You open the back under the most secure interlock system available and it looks like it was made by Frankenstein inside.