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PC or Mac - incoming fire!!!!


Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
OK, this is supposed to be in the manner of friendly banter so please don’t go off on one, but how the heck, no, why the hell do you lot put up with Windows PCs?

I’m minded of those LR owners who suffer years of misery with their machines not realising that life doesn’t have to be like that. They find Cruiser heaven and never look back. Cruisers aren’t better than Landrovers, they just work all of the time.

Well having had a PC netbook for just about a week now (and it is a lovely little machine) I can honestly say that I have had more problems already with it than I have with the three Macs in my house over the last 9 years. For those who like to have a dig at Macs, can you honestly tell me that you have lived with one? I mean honestly? Because I can’t believe you have and are still using a PC. Mac = Land Cruiser. PC = Landrover. The analogy couldn’t be clearer. Freezing must be the equivalent to a broken half shaft.

There may be some deeply technical reason why some of you don’t or can’t use one, but for the average Pleb who just needs a compooter and needs it to not go wrong, then it has to be a Mac. “Oh they’re so expensive” I hear you all cry. Well, they are a tad pricey, but that’s worth it to me. Open box, plug in, press power, enjoy for many years without worry.

I have had all sorts of freezes, stuff that won’t load, a restart that just resolutely failed to shut down and the very vexing “Do you want to shut this down?” “Are you sure?” Do you want to shut this down?” For Christ’s sake YES I do. Oh, program not responding and “I am not shutting down so furk you!” Mac, up and running in 30 seconds. Please shut down - oh, you have. Please wake up with everything still running - oh it is. Ahh, I know let’s ask my Mac if it has detected any probl.. Oh, you haven’t. Right. OK OS 9 was a pain to live with. Even I didn’t like that. They had to think of new words for everything because Microsoft had pinched all the best words first. But OS X (that’s OS TEN not EX by the way) is almost exactly the same visually as a PC. No weirdness at all.

My 20” Intel Mac has been running on my desk 24/7 for nearly 8 years. Only rest is the occasional holiday - when it’s often left on to record telly for me. It is as good as the day it came out of the box. And I mean that.

The other good thing is that should they encounter a problem, usually when running some crap Microsoft package, they actually sort themselves out. They actually find a way to fix it. They don’t just fall over and lock everything else that’s running. All of the bits that I haven’t got working easily on the Netbook, I have plugged in to see what happens on the Mac. No loading of drivers, not looking up on the web, they just fired up instantly and worked!

So I am not having a go, I am genuinely curious as to why people see Macs as the Devils spawn. I only paid £159 for this lappy so I won’t be shedding any tears at its random moods. But I’d sooner pull all my teeth out than ever spend any more money on Bill Gate’s retirement fund. People talk about hype on Mac products. I don’t really know what hype that is actually. Apple can be tw@ts at times with some of their marketing, but they have a product that allows that.

I am not a Mac expert, I don't do things like programming or making Apps. It's largely a word processor and interweb portal for me, OK? But why put up with unreliability? If Microsoft make off roaders it would be a ... Ok let's not go there then.

So come on all of those who are bored enough to participate, let’s throw a few. There's nothing on the telly

Ding ding, seconds out

Regards all - nothing below the belt please.

Do macs let you use more than one mouse button now? It's been quite a while since I ventured into mac land and thought someone must have slipped something funny into my tea because nothing made sense :lol:
I have never had my windows freeze, Dont know what your talking about. Well it hasnt in the last five mins :whistle:

Do mac do netbooks chris?

Never owned or used a mac,

The only Mac that I have is the one I wear when lurking in half lit alleys :D ;) Otherwise it's all PC for me :|

I will just say that I ran my business for many years on a vintage 386 Compaq laptop with only a floppy drive using QuickBooks without it ever never ever missing a beat not once :thumbup: I think it's more down to the software than the PC's themselves :think: But what do I know I'm just a house husband with CJD :lol: ;)
Well ..... i build pc's and have been doing so for the last 10 years...and i have never had problems with program errors ...
only time there have been issues is when the program hasn't been installed properly, or there has been a user error.

I really don't understand why people get so het-up about using a pc (other than the cost of official software)

Any computer weather it be a pc or a mac will have problems if it hasn't been set up correct.
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Before I used a Mac, I used to take the piss out of my Apple loving friends for being sucked into using an expensive piece of hype! I then went to NY just over four years ago. Due to the exchange rate and that Apple had finally taken on using intel based internals I bought my first Mac expecting to learn a bit of OSX but mostly using a virtual Windows package to get most things done.

Well, its been four years, I use it every night, it has been turned off about 10 times ever(lives in standby of which it resumes to a fully functioning laptop by the time I open my lid and get my hand to a key!!). My firefox has 49 tabs open, some from months ago, My iphoto has 27,000 images and it still runs great.

Its cost me 800 quid 4 years ago and I can still get 400 for it now. Any(most) Windows based laptop bought that long ago is either broken, ground to a halt due to updates and spyware or just totally out of date.

The battery is just starting to show signs of wear, I now am down to two hours on battery instead of 3.5 to 4. I noticed a crack on the case recently and was told yesterday that the cases have a lifetime guarentee and will be repaired for free.

So, I work with windows everyday, I get home and thank god I do not have to deal with a windows environment for the evening. Windows 7 is good, best yet but still why does windows think it knows best where my cursor should (newly poped up window) be just when I decide to type.

plus the amusing thing is, when I get a dead laptop where windows is telling me that the drive is unreadable and needs formatting, plug it into my mac, hey presto I can access and copy all data off with out problem!

Macs are expensive and Apple are tossers in general but macs are good to use and you will always get a good return when you upgrade. I have lost steam now.


and i have never had problems with program errors ...

I dont believe that statement, I have had new machines, installed a windows product and it screws up, nothing surprises me when windows throws a wobbly.

ON the plus side for Microsoft and Windows though, Macs are designed and built for Mac software. Windows has to be designed to work with 100,000's different combinations of hardware, software etc etc. So really its a miracle that it works at all.
So I'm defo a PC man, like that comes as a surprise, and even I will admit that Vista was a crock of ****. However Win7 is a much better product.

The only point probably worth making Chris is that you bought a bottom of the range PC, and are expecting it to perform similarly to the top of the range Mac products you are used to. I have in the last 6 months bought a i7 based Win7 laptop and it's super quick, both start-up and shut-down, never had any freezing rebooting or app issues on it, so I would say for me the windows expierence has been excellent.

Either way both Gates and Jobs have made a fortune out of us.....
With you Chris

I can use both set ups but my personal machines and now all our office machines are macs. love my iphone and my ipad (both jailbroken so i have them set up the way i want, not the way apple wanted).

i have a 10 year old imac (floaty screen on silver arm job) and my personal is a macbook pro that was refurb unit. gets some serious abuse, case is now bent, scratched after 4 hard years, apple replaced my battery at 3 years old for free, left fan rattles a bit, runs a bit hot a times (I process gigs and gigs of video every day). bunch of imacs at work. still runs great. not cheap to buy but cheap to own.

All our mission critical stuff runs on macs - they are after all unix under the skin of the operating system so are very robust. As tough and as robust as I hear Linux is.

I normally do with my old macs what Jon Wildmsith did to his 80 - run it until im ready for a change and then strip into parts and sell them. always got a good return that way.

Just like my landcruiser, looking a bit battered in places but i know it'll keep running, and the OS is just like the big diesel lump - simple and does what you want. And just like my truck makes me smile when i use them.
I cant believe that you are having so much trouble Chris! I find that W7 just works, I have had no problems at all. XP, Vista, OK there were issues but can you play Crysis on a Mac? No. I use me desktop mainly for gaming so the most important thing for me when buying new hardware is bang per buck which usually means overclocking. Mac branded hardware (which is essentially identical to what you find in a PC) is ridiculously overpriced and you can only get outdated hardware and seeing it has an OEM motherboard like a Dell you wont be able to overclock it. Software, well OS X wont run Crysis so its a no go area for me.

Now laptops, well I see no point in spending a £1000 on a MacBook when I can get an Identical PC Laptop for £500 and then install OS X on it. Why do I not install OS X? Well installing some antivirus and turning off UAC is a lot less effort and is not illegal and I have a laptop that just works for half the price. If I were paranoid about security I would just install Ubuntu, which is free and legal. Simples

Also there is so much software available for PCs that just isn't available for Macs, and it usually takes ages for a Mac version to come along if they can be bothered. Spotify, Steam, Chrome and were all available on PCs first. This was the reason that I switched from Mac to PC as back in the day of System 6 there was very little available for the Mac, apart from Wolfenstein 3D so I switched to Windows 95 and I have never looked back. Sure there was pain but at least I could use my new PC for something other than word processing.
Jonnie, Adrian, I love you guys. No I mean I really love you. :romance-grouphug: You know what I'm talking about

Jon - one button? Years ago my friend. We have scroll, zoom, flim, flam and spank you man. Buttons all over the place. Even a right click.

Tony - well I'd expect a bottom of the range PC to actually shut down. Or is that like indicators being an optional extra on a BMW? A bottom of the range Mac actually works as well as a top of the range Mac. It might have more features, but it works as well

Rob - sorry I didn't understand a word of that. What they hell is cystitis? Why not buy an X box if you like games.

Red- set up? Ahh that would be something you need to do with a PC then. I haven't had to do that with a Mac, I just pressed ON. :lol:

Steve - just keep taking the pills and sipping the paraffin my friend.

Incidentally, in the time that it has taken me to read this lot and craft a reply, my netbook still hasn't managed to close Memory Map. How shit is that?

Guys, super replies and just the sort of thing I needed to brighten my evening. The steak from Tes** was rubbish. Now that must have been a Microsoft cow. :D

Why don't I buy an Xbox? Because a PC is about a decade ahead in terms of graphics, and yes I am talking about the newer Xbox 360 not the old one.

EDIT: and you don't get ripped off when buying games for the PC.
Oh, by the way, Memory Map still hasn't shut down. Not responding... Tried to close normally, ctrl alt del, end process... Nope. Still sitting there like a turd that won't flush.
But if you enjoy that sort of thing..

I'm thinking that £400 for an eyepad might be a good idea.

Oh come on, if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have bought a Lada? Landrover, err, house on a flood plane, Oh, sorry PC that's it. A PC. :roll:

You see with Mac, any Mac, you get one OS. Not OS Lite, OS Free, OS partly working. There is only ONE OS. Now, shitty points about Apple. They only support the current and one past generation of OS. That doesn't mean your Mac will fall over, but We are on Leopard now, getting into Lion which means Tiger will become extinct. But hey, guess what, it'll still be working just fine. Arf Arf

If I could use a Mac to do my job I'm sure I'd have tried one again by now but as Rob mentioned they're just too far behind the times to be viable for me. There was mention of Linux as well, I've dipped my toe in those waters quite a few times and it's so diluted and poluted by a million different ideas I wonder how Linux desktop users have time to do anything other than installing a dozen lib updates just because they installed one new program or searching for some obscure fix to a simple problem like wanting to actually print something!

Remind us why you bought a PC Chris :lol:
Chris, don't worry Im laughing.

BTW can Macs or Xbox/Playstation do this:


Eyefinity is a must for my next gaming rig build :drool:
To run the PC version of memory map Jon and because I thought that after the gizzillion years that have passed since I last bought one, they might have made one that works!! But clearly I was wrong.

Linux? Was he the camp fella on give us a clue?

Mac, beyond the times? Wasn't aware there was a Planet Wildsmith


Rob, I don't know because I am an adult and I don't play games anymore? Not unless you have a copy of space invaders. :lol: :lol:
I thought Macs could virtualize a PC now and run Windoze software? Shall we keep an eye on the classifieds section for a cheap netbook :lol:
Aww now you're spoiling it by getting all smart arse. Box, computer inside, socket in the wall, phone line etc = fun. You boys just want to do sad things that the rest of us don't understand.

Computer that works all of the time = a Mac. You haven't addressed that. You just want to talk about things that you believe a Mac can't do. But the one thing that it can do well is work all of the time.


Rob, are you suggesting that I drive around with a 20" Mac desktop balanced on my dashboard? I don't think that's very practical.