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karl webster

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
Hi all,
Someone is building me a website at the min and im wanting some good pics to use on it.Would anyone be good enough to let me use any of theres? They would need to be of your own truck as i could get in bother for using the pics if not. Could pull them from the net but carnt for the same reason. Old or new cruisers would be good.

Emil to send pics to [email protected]

Thanks guys karl

You're welcome to copy any of mine from this forum or Photobucket Karl if you need permission to do so you have it! :thumbup:
Cheers chas, How do i get to your photo bucket ones?

thanks karl
same here matey I will pm you my photobucket link
Karl, all you need to do is right click on the pic in the thread and save the image yourself. You can then use them to put onto your site. If you use a link to someone's photobucket account and they change their settings etc, your images will disappear too. If you save the images that you like / want / have permission to use, then you can watermark them with a background water mark like 'Kind permission of"

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Likewise you can use any of my pics that have been posted.
Yes, forgot to add Karl, copy away mate. Maybe not best idea to use the burned out ones? Unless that's what you are advertising!

Yup, help yourself to any of mine dude. What sort of pics were you after in particular? Butch manly poses; nekid wimen sprawling all over them... :cool:
Take what you want of mine mate. We also have some movies on the Tube if you want them.
Thanks to everyone. Dont really know what he is after really. But will have a look through and see what we find.

Ben Its a site for landcruiser parts New and used. Its going to take some building up but the site shoud be up and running shortly. :thumbup:

cheers karl
sounds good. best of luck with it mate. :thumbup:
you v-welcolme to use my pics if any use to you also i have a heep of lc90 spares if interested let me know :thumbup:
HI Pete

As ive said to everyone else,thanks

Pm me with what you have and also prices and let me know where in the uk you areand i will see cheers

Hi Karl,

If you wish to use any of the pics I've posted of my 40, please feel free to do so.

Let us know the site name when it's up and running.
