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This 'Lincomb Thing'


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
Country Flag
I'm not into Green Laning or driving over bricks etc as Morocco is my thing but.... I am interested in Land Cruisers, looking at different mods, kicking tyres and generally talking bollix.

If I can manage it, could I just turn up for the Saturday afternoon and have a poke around? or will the big boys throw stones at me and tell me to ferk off?
I'm not into Green Laning or driving over bricks etc as Morocco is my thing but.... I am interested in Land Cruisers, looking at different mods, kicking tyres and generally talking bollix.

If I can manage it, could I just turn up for the Saturday afternoon and have a poke around? or will the big boys throw stones at me and tell me to ferk off?
Yeah, just turn up Paul, that's what I usually do as I've no camping equipment at the mo, and the 'big boys' are always extremely polite :icon-wink:, to my face anyway, :think: no idea what they may be thinking though. :lol:
I mainly go for the social side of things Paul. Names to faces etc etc. get yourself there.

Get yourself to Lincomb Paul, even if it is only for an afternoon. Be good to see you again mate. :thumbup:
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Sorry for thread hijack but myself and Ecky Will be on the return journey from a south to north greenlaning trip, alright if we drop in saturday pm too??
That'd be great Tommo. Nice to see t'owd Father-in Lor-ageen too.

This is not like other forum meets that I been too. You will want to see us again next Lincomb, and you don't need to get your cruiser dirty, in fact you don't even need a cruiser to turn up. Plenty of people that have a toy for offroading/greenlaning to people who have driven across the big continents so plenty to talk about.
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I'm sure I'm not alone in saying 'all Cruiser owners / drivers welcome', and Tony S won't shoot me... :shifty:
If you come through and plan on driving or staying over PLEASE make sure you liaise with Tony and cough up the pennies, so we continue to have the use of this great facility.

Likewise, if you come along and decide to partake of the grub, PLEASE arrange and pay, too, so that there's enough to go round and the suppliers don't get caught short.

I know I don't need to have said this, but it saves any unpleasantness and hard feelings on the day, really - we don't get together often enough as it is, and I for one would like this little event to continue as long as Tony will have us :icon-cool: