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UK General Election - 8th June


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Right, set the date in your calendars........

Don't blame May given the circumstances - should mean that the Tories are in with a (larger) majority for the next 5 years at least. Ho hum.......shame the opposition (of any colour) are so powerless at the moment.
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Watching from over the water, the whole thing has been a shambles from beginning to end.. Farage et al. got what they never thought they would, and then jumped ship. Cameron had no choice but do same. All and sundry scattered to the 4 winds leaving Mrs Thatc.. ahem... May in charge and the shambles continues. I'm not saying we're any better over here, but it's been hard to watch to be honest.
Watching from over the water, the whole thing has been a shambles from beginning to end.. Farage et al. got what they never thought they would, and then jumped ship. Cameron had no choice but do same. All and sundry scattered to the 4 winds leaving Mrs Thatc.. ahem... May in charge and the shambles continues. I'm not saying we're any better over here, but it's been hard to watch to be honest.

I'm wondering if she has realised that it's she got a poisoned chalice, and that the easiest exit for her is to lose the general election...

The problems were:
-UKIP no longer have a raison d'etre
-Cameron didn't stop UKIP and the shift right
-May has no idea how to get things moving in the right way as it's never been done before (and this isn't a criticism of her, it's a statement of the problems)
-Corbyn suffers from the stigma that he is as much use as a chocolate fireguard, and therefore can't offer any credible opposition to the Tories/right/conservative (little c)
-The EU doesn't know what to do next, and the upcoming French elections are a bit of a problem as well...
Interesting times, but there are indications that the shift towards the right in Europe is not as large as once suggested. But you're right, the EU is floundering as this has never happened before.

It's the most politically unstable time in Europe since the fall of communism, a lot of second guessing going on
The only winners from this GE will be the LibDems IMHO.

They were down and out for the count, now this has given them a glimmer of hope - the election will be all about BREXIT (regardless of the fact we have already made that decision). So I can see lots of Labour voters that can't stomach Corbyn and or Labour's neutral stance on Brexit since the referendum plus Remain minded Tories tactically voting for the LibDems.

It will be an interesting few weeks, that's for sure!
Decades of puppets have left us with nothing but muppets and the mantra has been just tow the line and you can live the life of Riley . This will put some knots in the puppet masters strings :lol:

I do hope she uses her new position to throw down the gauntlet for Sturgeon "i have risked my throne for what i believe in - will you"
The shift to the right in Europe although it's valid a statement only really shows the disillusionment of the electorate with the status quo.
The "Trump factor" is only really people pissed off with career politicians and hollow sound bites.
When the existing government is already right wing a shift to the left is just as likely.
As for a credible opposition, the only people who deny there is one are the mass media (and we all know how they work)
Ending the privatisation of the NHS.
Re nationalising the railway.
Minimum wage increase to £10.
A million houses built with 50% of those council houses.
Increased taxation of the super wealthy and reduction of tax avoidance/evasion
Can't see a policy that doesn't work for the benefit of British people just the same as I can't see any mention of these polices by the media ran by the very same super wealthy tax avoiders.
All I ever hear is how the leader doesn't wear a poppy and is a Marxist who eats babies .
You know your political system is corrupt when Rupert Murdoch and Richard Branson are in bed with your leaders and your cabinet all attended the same school.
Theresa is a gutsy lady and I think very smart,I hope she wins big time.
Nicola Sturgeon----what on earth have the Scottish done to get her?
Smart perhaps. I don't think she's the least bit gutsy. The opposition is weak but she won't debate with them publicly. And this is our leader in negotiations with Europe. Someone scared to argue her point. She has no problem pushing Brexit through parliament. Labour are in favour of Brexit, all be it with a slightly different flavour. What she can't easily push through are grammar schools, further health privatisation, more tax cuts for the wealthy. All the stuff that Paul Dacre wants; OK, he probably doesn't care about schools.
The best leaders seem to have the knack of doing the unexpected and throwing
the opposition off balance.We will see if that is the case in the UK.
Although I live in the far colony,I have family who live and enjoy life in
the UK so am very interested.
We have a specific page for these subjects, Politics and Religion.
Admin could this thread be moved there? It's bad enough we are going to have little else on TV and radio for the next six weeks, it'll be nice to have a refuge from all the boring spouts there.
I like May myself she reminds me of a schoolteacher of quiet competence never destined to be headmistress but silently acknowledged by all in some inexplicable way of being a greater authority anyway .
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The best leaders seem to have the knack of doing the unexpected and throwing
the opposition off balance.

The kind of leaders who work on weakening opposition are the very last kind of leaders I want. But vive la difference.
Corby has shown us exactly what happens when you lose the support of your generals . I don't see it as a power grab but rather as a move to clear the table of petty squabbles so she can get on with the job at hand with the confidence only absolute authority brings .