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'We want to get into your country before someone locks the door'

I know it's terrible that someone who has lost his job, been evicted fron his house and is willing to leave his wife and kids to earn money in a foreign land doing jobs none of the natives would want for a rubbish wage, is allowed in.
The Daily Mail, like spending 20 minutes in a mental hospital.
I know it's terrible that someone who has lost his job, been evicted fron his house and is willing to leave his wife and kids to earn money in a foreign land doing jobs none of the natives would want for a rubbish wage, is allowed in.
The Daily Mail, like spending 20 minutes in a mental hospital.
No what is really terrible is that it's our country our and finances that are going to be paying for all this, NOT his native country.
Cant blame them for coming though . Imagine i said i've found a little town in California offering an all expensis paid free holiday plus four times your normal wage if you do any work . Would you consider it ?

I believe a man has the right to do whats best for himself and his family and if i want to up sticks and move to Romania then i should be allowed , so it should work both ways

Its the government thats to blame not the immigrants .
Cant blame them for coming though. I believe a man has the right to do whats best for himself and his family and if i want to up sticks and move to Romania then i should be allowed , so it should work both ways
Its the government thats to blame not the immigrants .
You are absolutely right Shayne, I'm not blaming the immigrants for trying to improve their lot, as you say it's our government for letting it happen at our expense.
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You are absolutely right Shayne, I'm not blaming the immigrants for trying to improve their lot, as you say it's our government for letting it happen at our expense.

Thing is is British folk were prepared to work in the same way as the immigrants it wouldn't 'be at our expense'. Sadly though the British way of life does seem to have become one of not doing some jobs because its beneath them.

The UK does have its own group of people looking to get a better life overseas - unfortunately its the ones with skills, degrees and higher education in the main who can see a way to improve their lot oversea and are skilled and hard working enough to make it happen.
Sadly though the British way of life does seem to have become one of not doing some jobs because its beneath them.
I don't think it's that the jobs are beneath them, it's because they are not paid well, these jobs were staffed in the past before mass immigration that are so used to poor wages in their own countries they work for less.
My parents had a friend who was a recruiting officer for London Transport back in the 50's I think it was, who took a trip to Jamaica to get staff, he got 400 and brought them back to the UK.
On the train from Southampton to London 398 disappeared, all most wanted was just to get into England and that is still what is happening at the present time, of the two that were employed one was fired for stealing and the other failed his driving test, so for all their efforts London Transport ended up with none.
My mrs has worked for the same cleaning firm for about 30 years . Almost all UK staff have been replaced with immigrants . She works 5 nights a week , 8 to 12 hours a night , 52 weeks of the year for a slightly more than the minimum wage . All her staff were pushed out by higher management because they WANT immigrants . They may not be able to speak English and few have proven trustworthy . None at her place are good workers . BUT when management say you are contracted and paid for 30 hours a week but you will be fired if you don't work at least 50 hours , immigrants accept this because they still earn enough to go home every 6 months and show off because they are wealthy . Brits won't .

They bring her letters to read because she is the sort of person who will help anybody in any way she can . Because of this Helen knows that the least valued worker actually has an income far greater than her own when benefits and housing and all the other help immigrants get is taken into consideration . Helen is the darling of the company , the one the boss calls for help if losing a contract looks likely , she gets things done , and it was once a matter of pride for her . She hates the place now .
..........Because of this Helen knows that the least valued worker actually has an income far greater than her own when benefits and housing and all the other help immigrants get is taken into consideration.......

:think: :? :think:

I hope I haven't misunderstood you or taken your post out of context, but are you really saying that immigrants are getting or entitled to benefits that others are not getting? There is also a big difference between EU immigrants and non-EU immigrants - their entitlement to various benefits can vary greatly.

Putting the whole benefits issue aside, isn't it essentially just a case of supply and demand?
Lets say Helen gets a grand a month and thats it she has no other income or benefits . The polish fella she works with (who's wife and child don't actually live in the UK but visit just often enough to pretend they do) gets maybe £950 a month from work , then he gets housing benefit and low income family benefit and allsorts i've never heard of . Hence his full income is actually 50% greater than Helens despite her being his boss .

The Government has specific help centres run by immigrants to teach immigrants how to milk the system , its insane . I bet everyone on here could probably claim a free pint of milk at the very least regardless of your personal circumstances if your best mate happened to work in the benefits office and told you which boxes to tick .
Shayne i'm with you with most of the things you've mentioned and it hurts that when you've worked from day 1 but can't claim anything because you've been honest and like you said don't have a friend in the benefits office to tell you which box to tick.
The thing i don't agree with is that the gov. doesn't have centers that teach people how to milk the system but it's the offices opened by the so called do-gooders (citizen advice)and such.(yeah i see what you mean gov. funded)
The ethnic community multicultural centre , call it what you like its government funded . I was born in the isle of man , when i moved to wales i had to spend hours in the immigration office in cardiff trying to prove i'm british . Most of them hours were spent trying to find someone who spoke english to interview me . I'm not prejudice against anyone , i dont care if your black white pink green or yellow a copper or a crook a transvestite or a homophobe if you say hello to me i will say hello back . But that day i have to admit i was absolutely disgusted with the world .
There are many sides to this debate. I find myself sympathetic to all of the above and still without a solution to the "problem".

My situation is kind of the reverse, where as a Brit married to a Romanian living in Romania, we travel extensively, and I'm always embarrassed and angered when entering another country, European (but not such a problem now) or otherwise, Because often I get through passport control in 10 seconds and my wife has to answer all sorts of questions and even has to prove her intentions of visiting that country on occasions.

The problem as I see it is that foreigners coming to live and work in the UK should not be entitled to any unemployment or such related benefits until such time as they have contributed a set minimum amount, say 5 years or so of contributions.

It would be quite wrong for me to expect Romania to provide me with benefits if I lost or gave up my job and even after being here for the last 10 years (plus) they would laugh at me if I tried to get state benefit (state benefit is almost zero even for Romanians).

The type of resentment that Chas has raised is understandable, because the government's policy breeds prejudices that are wholly undesirable and should not be encouraged. I don't suggest for one minute that Chas is racist (and even if he is that's not my business!) but the government should not put immigrants or natives in the position where the government's foolishness is breeding racism.

For example there are many Romanians working all over Europe and in the UK, US and elsewhere, who are hard working honest and a valuable asset to the countries that they have moved to. There are also many Roma who have gone outside the country with no (or forged) papers, who, by their bad behavior, have created tremendous bias against Romanians generally. Italy has recently legislated against Roma entering Italy specifically for this reason.

We are all citizens of the world and should be free to travel and settle where we wish, but none of us deserve a living as of right, we all have to work and contribute to the systems that we join. We all also have to behave within the law of the land we move to, and if we don't like it then we should go home, or shut the fcuk up!

That's my penny-worth and rant over!

No offence meant Chas, I agree with your complaints.
I don't suggest for one minute that Chas is racist
No offence meant Chas, I agree with your complaints.

No offence taken Clive. ME racist? never let it be said, my God! I even like some people north of Watford. :laughing-rolling:
I have no problems with immigrants who want to integrate and improve their lot by coming here and working for it, it’s the spongers, our own countrymen included, who get my goat.
I don’t mind spending money on something of value to me, or even losing it one way or another but I can’t stand being taken advantage of and that’s how I see these work-shy immigrants, their taking advantage of our benefits for nothing in return.
OK, that’s my rant over, for now, I’m sure something else will come along sometime to rant about. :lol:
Though i am not racist at all i would love to stand before a court accused of racism . How can i be charged with racism if the courts , the police and the law itself is not racist ?

Can't accuse a white man for calling a white man white - can't accuse a black man for calling a black man black .

Hence i could only be accused in the first place because of my skin colour or ethnic background ..... is that not illegal ?

No offence taken Clive. ME racist? never let it be said, my God! I even like some people north of Watford. :laughing-rolling:

Get a grip man, liking some people North of Watford's pushing it a bit Chas! :icon-biggrin:
Immigration is a huge problem. I fell that it has been allowed to go on for so long that we now have no hope of stopping or reversing the trend. The only real option, (and I fell it may become a reality sooner than some my like) is a "United states of Europe."

I mean it is what we have in essence already, but, the problem of immigration is that in some parts of the Eu the laws and benefit systems are different, encouraging people to move. For example if wages and benefits were standardised throughout the continent I think that there would be alot more "2way immigration" (if that makes any sense), If laws and rices were the same across the continent, how much easier would it be for people to integrate into othe countries.

I am a very hard and fast eurosceptic, I do not like the fact that as Britons we are loosing our culture and heritage but I also understand that its time to open my eyes to the fact that the world is a much smaller place now. I could waffle on like this for hours but i am not going too. I am sure there will be arguments against what i have said, but IMHO, long term i can see no better solution.
The only real option, (and I fell it may become a reality sooner than some my like) is a "United states of Europe."

I'm a euro sceptic too and although I live in a country that can only benefit from full EU membership, at who's expense is it? It's not Bulgaria, Serbia, Latvia, Hungary or even Greece that has been paying all these years for pre-accession infrastructure improvements, and will continue to pay to bring all members into alignment, it is Britain, Germany and France that will foot most of the bill. Most of the others are going down the toilet at the moment, Greece, Spain, Eire and many more are in desperate trouble, and the richer countries are going to be there to bail them out.

Whenever groups band together to become a unified entity, the poorer members benefit and the richer pay. The common denominator will always be somewhere in the middle, which will ultimately drag Britain down.

I would vote to keep well away, especially as the EU is presently in crisis. The Euro is about to collapse probably worse than the dollar did a few years ago, and the EU will come down like a pack of cards.

I've always admired Britain's reluctance and refusal to go along with full membership and the euro currency, I just hope it's not too late to stay out.

rant rant rant...:icon-rolleyes:
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Im sorry but i have to disagree totally about Romania, or anywhere else benefitting from EU membership.

From my couple visits to Romania I see a lot of similarities between Romania and Ireland when i was a child. I can quite safely tell you that the EU/EEC gave Ireland some motorways and, CAP and, and and... Nothing but problems. CAP just increased rural incomes artificially and created a massive land price bubble, but the return i get from cattle in actually LESS per head than it was 20 years ago and thats NOT allowing for inflation, its just plain less. And in doing that it completely destroyed the rural community and changed peoples expectations out of life making them totally dependant on materialism and therefore BORRowing money from the man to fund their lives.

Our rewards also include rule after rule after regulation which make doing anything nearly impossible, without first paying for some pieces of paper. Furthermore the 52 percent tax i'm paying is used to pay for an ever increasing group of obscenely paid CHECKERS.

Oh and the fact that a child born today in Ireland is in debt to the tens of thousands to pay for the money the EU 'lent' us to pay back at 8% interest over fourty years to clear our debts to the same EU banks. Its beyond belief or comprehension really why anyone would want to do this but instead of letting our banks fold, like Iceland, we are buying ourselves into more deb t so the EUbanks can make an even higher return on a second round of debt trading than that again.

Building our own motorways would have been an awful lot cheaper.

The EU is going to end in the same mess as the USSR, the Warsaw pact etc. A federal united states of europe would end like a federal YUGOSLAVIA did, and having been to Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo several times since the late 90s, lets please avoid that.