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Pyrenees 2011, 27/05-05/06, planning

Have now booked SWMBO on a direct flight from Edinburgh to Toulouse - that should make her trip a tad more comfortable :)

Countdown has begun in earnest!
"Countdown has begun in earnest!"

indeed! nearly finished prepping the landcruiser - just got the last part of boot-storage system to finish.
then order up some spare parts, and have a test run's down to Lakes in April then Wales in May.

Got all maps, roadbooks & route, navigation equipment sorted for Pyrenees. Haven't figured out all camping spots yet - but hope your advance party can provide up-to-date info on that!

going to be quite a few of us out there in May/June, another club member following on a few days behind me.
Jon - I think the list needs updating of who's coming along??
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I've updated the list :) At the moment it would look like traveling as 2 groups with a little distance between us during the day if the 4 car limit is imposed but they might not even notice we're there being out of peak season, have to wait and see. At least with Gav navigating now we won't take any wrong turns :lol:
Oh fluck - no pressure there then!!! :lol:

So what have we got in the way of maps to work with Jay Dubbleyuh?
have you seen the last 14 pages Gav?
What?? There's more than this page to the thread??? :shock: I'd better get reading... :lol:
To be honest haven read it properly myself but I know its all about maps.
Aye, there's a few mentions of things maplike after the ferry pages... I'm sure Jon's got it all boxed off - all I will have to do is follow a cursor on the screen :lol:

Should be a hoot eh :cool:
For those taking bikes, I was chatting to a guy today who said there's a new law in Spain that means you can no longer carry bikes on the back of cars, only inside or on top. That's all I know and is just camp site gossip :)
interesting one Jon - re. bikes, good to know in advance. bikes in the car then.
Hi All,

I have finally booked the ferry to France. Although I was initially going for the Portsmouth - Caen ferry, I ended up going for the Dove - Calais one. The distance from Dover to Andorra (using ViaMichelin) is only 100km and one hour longer than Caen to Andorra. Taking the ferry to Caen was just going to triple the ferry costs and not really save any time or driving. I am booked on the 00:45 Sea France ferry on the 28th so I will be meeting up with you in Dover.

Further up in this thread it seems that Vibraction's RB1 and RB2 are being used for the route planning. Is it worth getting these or is our route going to be widely different?


We won't have time for all of RB1 so it'll basicly be tail end of that and RB2. I'll be plotting an overlay for digital mapping as well as having the books but you might spot something important I missed :whistle:

I can send you plotted tracks for the RB1 and RB2 if you want, since i have already digitized it.
let me know a file format to email you
as you know the waypoints we got from Vibtraction are somewhat sparse.
but double check my digitization.
did it on a 3hr train journey...