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Saturday 18th December laning in Wales

You could tell her indoors that you've had a call from the 4x4 Response Network... Wouldn't be too far from the truth ;)
I have a SWR in the car.

Postie has just been, guess what. Still no tax disc. Phoned DVLA who were no help. It has been 5 days since I applied, but they can't help because it's only 5 days come midnight tonight. I explained that the postie had been - so that was the end of 5 days as far as I was concerned! All I can do if it doesn't come tomorrow is go to a DVLA office and get a duplicate. But I can't do that in the cruiser as it's more that 5 days since I applied!!!! As the post doesn't come til around lunchtime, I either wait or just head straight to Nottingham in the morning and get one. I shall be in Wales whatever.

Fantastic. Apply on line - it's easy. You may not get the disc, but applying IS easy.

Have you got a colour printer at home Chris - I have a very good scanner here... :lol:
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I just wouldnt bother. If you get pulled,the truck is taxed. All they can do you for if fail to display. How can you get done for that tho if dvla hasnt got it to you. I never run my motorbike with my tax disk on and havnt for the last 4years. It has always been taxed but people pinch the tax discs so i make sure they carnt!
I photocopy my tax disc for the bike & carry the original in case I get stopped :cool:
Appreciate that Karl, but I am Mr Law Abiding. I can't have any kind of offense like that, not unless I want to give Plod an excuse to pull my Firearms Certificate. They are always looking for an excuse. As it isn't overdue until Midnight, they can't issue a duplicate until tomorrow. At which point I can't drive the truck. I can get a disc for certain, but it means faffing around going to the DVLA to pick it up. I can wait until lunchtime to see if postie brings it, but if she doesn't I then have to go to Notts and back by which time it'll be 2 O'clock. Best option is to ring DVLA in morning and just say that it hasn't come and get duplicate issued by 9.00. Miss morning traffic and be back here for about 11 ready to roll.

What a pain. I would be interested to know what the penalty is for failure to display. It IS taxed.

It ain't worth the risk Chris... Carry on... :cool:


A brief google search from a police forum indicates a fixed penalty notice of £30 for failing to display a tax disc but this seems to be at the discretion of the officer at the scene but thats a few years old.

From the directgov site, a maximum fine of £200 is indicated for failure to display...
These trips are getting a bit more frequent and I know there were a few oops's on a previous trip so I'll just repeat here what I've added to the first post:

Have a look at the LARA code of conduct available here as the person planning the route and leading a group I expect us all to be sticking to that i.e. no off piste activities (not having a go, I know people have appologised for last time this is just a reminder :) ) to be blunt if you don't like it find someone else to go with ;)

Maybe it's time our 'club' adopted a code of conduct for these trips like most others do?
The Met Office has issued a warning of severe weather for the Midlands and Southern England which says;

"A band of heavy snow will move northeastwards across England and Wales during Saturday. 5-10 cm of snow is expected widely, with the possibility of 20-25 cm accumulating in places, particularly across parts of the Midlands, Wales, and southern England. This could cause widespread disruption to travel networks and sporting events"

This warning will be updated by midday Friday 17 December.
Issued by the Met Office at 11:37 on Thursday, 16th December 2010

This was forwarded to me as a PDF file from my wife at the Royal Opera House, Met Office had sent the warning to them, but I don't think we can attach things to a post, so I've just copied and pasted the text.
Fine by me Jon. One of the reasons I don't do much laning is that I simply don't want to get into any argy bargy over not doing it right. Stick to the road and everything will be fine. OK it might not be much of a road in places, but that's the rule.

Cossack said:
The Met Office has issued a warning of severe weather for the Midlands and Southern England which says;

"A band of heavy snow will move northeastwards across England and Wales during Saturday. 5-10 cm of snow is expected widely, with the possibility of 20-25 cm accumulating in places, particularly across parts of the Midlands, Wales, and southern England. This could cause widespread disruption to travel networks and sporting events"
Hmmm, what about packing a shovel chaps?
Everything i own is always fully legal for the road cris,Ie tax insurence and mot. Gav it right its 30 on the spot fine. But if you have tax surley they carnt do you. And im sure they a=carnt do anything about firearms regarding traffic issues. Anyway if your getting it it doesnt matter.

I also agree jon, If were following you we will be fine.

OT, but trust me Karl, they can link any offence to your FAC. They can use it to show that you have knowingly committed a crime, or that you have poor regard for authority the list goes on.

Could do without having to pranny about in the morning.

At this rate I think any police you see over the weekend are going to be more interested in if you can pull them out the ditch than are you displaying your tax disc :lol:
karl wester said:
PMSL :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wouldn't even make that offer in jest, Karl - Gav'll bite your hand off at the first sign of a snowflake! :animals-bunny:
Happy to live and die by the code.

Being my first serious outing I intend to take it easy and will follow the tracks of the person in front of me.