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Romania 2017 - Comarnic Visit

Its hard to explain Nick the power kicks almost like a 2-stroke , to drive it doesn't resemble the car i bought at all :icon-cool:

Its a phenomenon i've encountered while traveling n convoy with 80's before , it was a long winding hill climb and i felt i needed to engage the low box to keep pace with a balanced rpm but of course i couldn't without locking the centre diff .

Of course i can cruise at 65 .... but for 3 days !
be more like 4 at 65. The muds I either have to do 60ish or above 70 to avoid the wobbly goodness but the At's are happy up to 90 until I remember im in a 3 ton truck that doesnt like to stop. But theirs also vehicle sympathy so tend to sit at 80. The only annoying speed is 50 in an average speed camera bit cause it cant make up its mind which gear to be in, the only time I find it annoying. Still no points for doing 55 though.
Now your getting me mate a steady 70 creeping up to 75 and easing back again every half hour or so knocks an hour a day off , its mechanically sympathetic and socially it's going with the flow :icon-wink:
When on my own i generally just find someone going the right speed and sit behind them, otherwise i end up going faster and faster which isn't necessarily good for the car and as I drive for a living may not be good for future work...
As we'll be in convoy I guess we'll be at whatever speed everyone's comfy with. I dont have a trailer or anything on the roof.
So i just delivered something to a 4x4 garage and i mentioned i have an 80. Then i mentioned i was going to Romania in August and he says " you're joking, where?" Turns out the guy is romanian and Will be back home whike we're visiting and offered us to all come and visit.
Dunno if you can read this but he lives here
Said its probably a days drive from yours Clive but if you run out of things to show us...
Yep, that's oop north lad, if I'm not mistaken.

Lovely part of Romania, though. I'm off to do some googling....

It's Cimpalung, Moldovenesc, but what's written beneath that is not visible.

It's a small town a few km west of Gura Humorului, (Suceava district) where we have friends. It's about 7 hrs drive from our place.
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It's about as far north as you can go, without stepping over the fence into the Ukraine.
Underneath was his phone number. He's currently creating his next entry in the Dakar rally although having googled it could be the Tuareg, looked a bit like something Ryan thompsons making.
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Underneath was his phone number. He's currently creating his next entry in the Dakar rally although having googled it could be the Tuareg, looked a bit like something Ryan thompsons making.

OK, wouldn't want to be broadcasting his phone number would we.
It's a long haul up there though, there's "main" roads, but they're all singles. It's very hilly and loads of trucks grinding up the inclines, you're lucky to get anything over a 50 km/h average speed.

It's the first thing you'll notice I think Nick, is how long it takes to get anywhere here. I've found that you can swap miles for km and still use the same numbers!

He sounds an interesting guy though... :icon-smile:
Shame he's so far away. Found some vids of him dune bashing and doing some rallying in his mitsubishi short arse thing.
Didn't know if you fancied a mini break yourself? :)
He's going well in that vid, so's the short-ass thing!

We're not against an overnighter Nick, as long as it's ok regular tent weather, as we're not geared up for overlanding. Dunno how the others feel about it.

I take the view that after 3k km getting here, you might not appreciate 2 straight days more, hauling across Romania.

What you do when you're here is entirely up to you guys. :thumbup:
I was just sticking it out there Clive, him and his wife were insisting we must come and visit. Ive only met him a few times over the years. His garage is opposite one of my regular collection's and that guy was saying theyre going to morrroco next year. I didnt realise he was taking part.
Anyway, a keen 4x4ist has made an offer. I told him I'll just follow the group. Best to mention it now than on the last day.
You forget, ill have been driving all day the five days previous to setting off too!
This one may be one for the girlies to decide on. I'm on the fence with it but the girls may not want two more days solid travelling.
Plus whatever's there when we get there...
Sure Nick, were game for anything, we won't have been driving non-stop for 3 days previous :lol:
On the subject of things to do Clive I think the newbies, Nick and Rich, would enjoy a trip to that, was it a salt mine? the underground caverns. I remember how impressed I was also the Transfageration highway would be an eye opener and a bit of Ridge bashing wouldn't come amiss.
You forget, ill have been driving all day the five days previous to setting off too!

Used to be called a busmans' holiday, eh Nick?

(I know you don't drive a bus, it's metaphorical)
On the subject of things to do Clive I think the newbies, Nick and Rich, would enjoy a trip to that, was it a salt mine? the underground caverns. I remember how impressed I was also the Transfageration highway would be an eye opener and a bit of Ridge bashing wouldn't come amiss.

No problem with the salt mines Chas, especially if it's a hot day, as long as you and Shayne / Helen don't mind a repeat trip.

The ridge is a must, and as its off-road, I don't suppose that will offer any objections to the regulars.

The Transfagarasan is an all day asphalt haul, there and back, but the scenery makes it well worthwhile (IMO). What that needs is an early start, leaving the house at 8:00 am preferably.

We can mix it so that we have easy days and harder days in between. We can always be lazy and park up but the river and BBQ all day, that's just down the road.

We can also have a short walking session, if you remember the Diciu, where the police stopped us right at the beginning, when we get to the end, to the "no motor vehicles beyond this point" sign, there's a 20 minute walk to some interesting naturally eroded rocks, they call them the "ciuperc" (mushrooms) or "Babele" the gossiping old ladies.

How are your legs these days Chas, are you up for a shortish walk?

There's the Monestery in the cave as well, that's kinda in the same direction...