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Very fortunate.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
Country Flag
On my way to my 4x4 club meeting last night I had a lucky escape, I was driving on the M25 approaching the M4 turn off and miss judged my exit, I hit a curb doing just over 60mph, I do have it on video from the satnav (but it won't load on here) in it you can see by the angle of the street lamps the truck went up on two wheels I pulled up to check and there was no sign of any damage on tyres or rim.
I nearly had a heart attack to add to my list of health problems.
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It might be an idea to reconsider those stunt driving evening classes with the local WI Chas…

Stay safe Mate.
upload it to yootoob and post a link ...

what are you Chas? ..... you plonka :icon-rolleyes: (as well as lucky) :lol:

just glad nobody was hurt...

tough old things, these 80s...
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upload it to yootoob and post a link ...

what are you Chas? ..... you plonka :icon-rolleyes: (as well as lucky) :lol:

just glad nobody was hurt...

tough old things, these 80s...
Start watching about 1min 10sec
You were lucky there, glad you are ok........
Fuck me that was close!!
I don't think that's a kerb, that's the crash barrier!
I think I might have stopped to check for damage after
Actually Moggy I think you're right, I stop started the vid just before impact and you can see it's not a kerb. :shock: My God now I realise just how lucky I was I've just had another heart attack.
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Omg I felt that!! Sorry Chas that’s a crash barrier.

To be fair I didn’t see that coming too. Like the guys say .... best to check during the day for signs of damage. Kinda looks like your bull bar took the brunt.
Very lucky there Chas, glad your'e ok and certainly glad there was nothing or no one else involved. Be interesting to see in daylight the damage, or lack of as I'm sure the crash barrier will have come off best.
Oh man this could have ended so bad!!!
Btw Major Tom in a capella.....?.?! WTF?
Oh man this could have ended so bad!!!
Btw Major Tom in a capella.....?.?! WTF?
Crrrunch…’…and I’m floating in a most peculiar way-ay-ay…’
You couldn’t make it up!

A split second later and you could have hit it harder and had the truck pitch over and be listening to …’heeere am I sitting in a tin can’.

Doesn’t bear thinking about.
Glad you’re ok.
Heavy duty bumper took most of it I think.
bloody eck Chas! I didnt hear one swear word! Glad your OK
Ouch ! Glad it wasn't worse, that barrier needs reflective ends on it.
Ground Control to Major Chas ... what a nightmare, glad you’re safe.