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Lincomb Autumn 2011

Don't give them any clues Tony :shh:

Long range weather forecast looks good, woods looking good, games all planned - bring it on!!

Gav Peter said:
I can probably help you out with most of that Chas - bring it on!!! :cool:
OK Gav, what might you not need? if it's the tow bar I'll leave that behind.
Chuck it all in buddy - if no-one else wants anything, I'll get shut of it for you :mrgreen:
Cant wait :happy-bouncyblue:

So who is coming down on Friday? I may actually come done on the Friday for once.
So long as Tony sends me his banking details, I'm aiming to be there mid-afternoon on Friday :cool:

Unless Ben is planning another laning session for the journey down... :twisted:
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Nick and I will be there for about Beer O'Clock on Friday. Leaving the Shire about 15.00 hrs.

I'll be leaving Aylesbury at 12. quick stop for some supplies, should be out by 12:30, there for 2ish. :dance:
Ian Rubie said:
Don't give them any clues Tony :shh:

Long range weather forecast looks good, woods looking good, games all planned - bring it on!!


Driven it, no clues, but ooooooh sooooo good. Loving it. Clickers out tomorrow. :dance:
Biltong? Tony Mate, I never got anywhere near it. Just never had chance to get the smoker out. Maybe I should bring it with me!


If anyone wants biltong, I can bring with. The local butcher does some good stuff. Put in your orders quickly if you want.
As long as it's not road kill badger..

How much per metric tonne?

Blimey, that's not cheap is it. I know a kilo is a lot, but I'm sure that it's more than I pay for Pork Scratchings :lol:


The weekend is getting close now and we are just doing the final bits of organisation.

We have five special stages planned for the weekend, three on Saturday and two on Sunday. We however could do with some volunteers to man one of the Saturday stages for a few hours. If you are happy to help out please PM me.


I'll be coming down on the Friday, hopefully about 4ish. Can I have a postcode and road name for the farm please??
Lincomb Farm, Lincomb Lane, Lincomb, Worcestershire, DY13 9RB

See you there.
